Posts Archive

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  1. Easy way to work with URL Query Strings and Form Data

  2. Web native development with StackBlitz

  3. JSON Data File Collections in Jekyll

  4. Comparing Svelte Reactivity Options

  5. Sending emails with the G Suite Gmail API

  6. TWAM Proof of Concept app - using Netlify, Eleventy and Google Sheets

  7. Music Practice Tools

  8. The Open Communication Symbols Ecosystem

  9. Open Communication with Symbols

  10. Is svelte.js the user-friendly developer framework?

  11. Hyperapp, the frontend web framework your users might appreciate

  12. React, JAMstack and React Static

  13. Cognitive Accessibility WAI Pages Mockup

  14. Cognitive Accessibility with W3C WAI

  15. Update on Steve's activities

  16. Welcome to Steve's New OpenDirective blog