Cognitive Accessibility WAI Pages Mockup
The W3C Cognitive Accessibility Task Force have captured a mass of knowledge and experience on the cognitive requirments and barriers that people often experience when using web tchnology. This appears in several published W3C Technical Recommendations (TRs), unpublished Editors Drafts and a set of Issues on GitHub. There is also the team wiki. Most of these documents are large, with much detail.
For many, this mass of information is dense and a little hard to digest. Examples of people looking to learn from these documents include; those new to coga concepts, developers looking for design guidance or specification authors working to support more coga requirements.
The Task Force members therefore felt a desire to provide easier access in the form of introductory signposting and way-marking pages.
The relatively new WAI Website is designed to provide easy access to the broad WAI guidance and resources. It does an excellent job of this and so makes an ideal place to put any new coga pages. These new introductory pages can then link to the published TR documents, providing selected paths into the large coga content set.
Thus, my 1st contribution as a W3C staff member is a crude mockup of how a set of pages could look when added to the WAI website. These pages are a real hack but do show the structure along with enough content to make the conepts clearer.
Here are the mockup pages
As always, the coga TF would welcome thoughts and ideas from new members.